Are you looking for a spectacular way to reveal the sex of your baby? Gender reveal fireworks are a breathtaking way to share the news with your family and friends. Originating from a baby shower, gender reveal parties involve both men and women making the event even more special with your nearest and dearest.

Here at Jordans we offer the best gender reveal fireworks. Our aim is provide you with a unique way to announce the sex of your new arrival by providing an exciting build-up and anticipation, as your guests guess if the gender reveal fireworks will be blue or pink. 

Firing 25 shots over 30 seconds, these all aerial fireworks produce lift stars bursting to a height of 30 feet. They come to a brilliant finale with a large burst of either pink or blue stars in a puffball shape to announce whether the new arrival will be a baby girl or a baby boy.

To ensure the baby’s gender is kept a secret right until the grand reveal, we supply our gender reveal fireworks with a mystery label so that no clues are given away before the fireworks are lit. Many gender reveal parties also enjoy sparklers, lanterns and other gender reveal decorations to mark the special occasion.  

Take a look at our wonderful gender reveal fireworks here.